

Nutritional Cleansing and Detoxifying your Bowel is very important. Do you want to know why?

Do you know what you want? Do you really? Every morning I wake up and ask myself:  How do I feel?

I feel good! I say gratitude for another day.I ask:  What do I want today?

And every day I ask for one thing and one thing only – to be healthy.


Health is my wealth.

But at one point in my life I was sick.

And I remember, laying in my bed and thinking –

how much I would give just to feel a little better.

Even a couple of months ago I had a toothache – I felt miserable.

I was so happy when I fixed the problem.

So – whenever I meet people with health issues – I know the feeling.

I know the pain and I know what you are thinking about.

Today I had a client – he is almost blind.

They drove one thousand miles to get here to try one alternative doctor.

And that doctor recommended him to incorporate colonic.

He believes that colonics will help him to see better, and you know –

after his first session – he felt better and he believes that he could see better!

I was so happy to hear it.

He will send me his testimonial – I will post it here and you can also check the Testimonials in our Facebook Page.


You see our organs are functioning according not only to the food we eat, but our minds also.

If you are stressed and irritable – you get irritable stomach and no matter

what you eat you will not feel comfortable.

There are many, many indications for you to look in and take notice

of and think – maybe you need to detox sooner than later.

I was writing this week about your liver, gallbladder and pancreas.

Many very common problems such as constipation, candidiasis,

allergies, hemorrhoids, cellulite, and premenstrual syndrome are all

associated with malfunctioning liver and gallbladder and pancreas.

Optimizing function of these organs by cleansing, protecting and nourishing

will help to get you to the optimum health you desire.

Now you know these organs are all connected to your colon and

every morning these little organs release bile into your colon to be removed from your body.

My most favorite organ I talk about all the time.

You r colon is so big that it is connected to, touches,

or is in the vicinity of, every major organ in your body, except your brain.

It also touches most of your blood vessels and nerves.

Constipation causes the colon to swell and when this happens, i

t can compress the lungs, heart, liver, gallbladder,

pancreas, kidneys, adrenals, uterus or prostate.

A constipated colon can cause an almost endless amount

of seemingly unrelated diseases and problems.

And all this bile released from your liver is stored in your

colon and it goes back into your system if not removed from it.

The human body is a metabolic engine.

Every system, every organ, and every cell of the human body

takes in fuel to run and eliminate waste material.

The majority of this waste is deposited into your colon.

Do you know that the average American stores from 10 to 12 pounds

of fecal mater in his or her colon?

If this toxic waste isn’t regularly eliminated,

it will cause your body to be backed up with poisons,

making it sluggish and unhealthy.

This is why I am promote my Colon Hydrotherapy.

Doing a regular colon cleanse will help you:

  • Have more energy, feel lighter and have a flatter stomach
  • Easily clean out years of accumulated toxins, poisons and waste
  • Start having regular, healthy and complete bowel movements

And these are only a couple of benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy.

Why I’m talking today about it – because before anything cleansing

or going on any other diets – you want to clean your colon first.

So – this is my suggestion as an expert of cleansing and detoxification.

After 25 years in Natural Healing,

I KNOW that BLOCKAGE is the root cause of all disease.

Tomorrow I will be continuing to educate you

how your colon works and why your life depends on it!!!