
Proceed with a caution.

As I’m getting ready for The 7 Day Juice Fast, I was thinking what is it that I am so passionate about? I have been doing this for so many years, for me personally it’s not a big deal to just do fasting. It’s scary at first, but the moment you make the decision – you are on a roll.

So – how to make that important decision? It’s actually really hard for most people.

You know that monkey in your head keeps talking to you and convincing you that you can’t do it. It will find a million reasons not to do it. It will support you to stay in that comfort zone which will kill you and make you fat and depressed, but somewhere deep down in your heart – you know what you need to do. You know your why and how. And when I decided to do my first fast I remember being scared. I was thinking – “NO, I can’t do it…It’s going to be hard!”

But my friend Mollina keep telling me – that it’s easy, and that she will be with me doing the same thing. And that’s what keeps me going. Even now – when I’m about to do it – I ask my friend or someone I know to do it together. It’s fun and it’s really amazing how everything is easier to do when you are not alone – good things or a bad things for that matter.

So – I just want to remind you – we will be starting on Monday.

But in the meantime I also want you to be reminded of one of the reasons why would you do fasting or cleansing.  At some point in your life you were looking for a colon cleanse and you find me! So that’s where your journey began. But you know when you do fasting – your colon will benefit so much more from abstaining from food. It’s really amazing how much more you can release. You will be surprised that even not eating solid food for a couple of days your colon will still be releasing stuff. That’s the power. Also I will be suggesting to implement different kinds of juices that will help you to eliminate even more.

So – make sure you sign up and start getting ready!

Sign UP Here

Your colon will thank you for it!!!

Have a great day and here is the link for you to join me.

Enjoy the day!