
Falling into Fall!

As I was walking by the beach this morning – I experienced an epiphany.

Early morning is the best time for meditation.

It was dark and the sky was cloudy.

I looked at the horizon and I saw that pink color of just pink out of the clouds

on the line of horizon – a tiny line of gold started shining!

I was so happy to see it.

And I was thinking – “It is true! Even if it’s cloudy,

the sun is always shining! No matter what!”

Isn’t it amazing?!

And my mood just lifted.

And as the sun was rising and showing itself to me – yes,

I’m there, just a reminder to you! I’m shining!!!

Was so good to see it!

Friday – we always are waiting for the end of the week.

Spend some time in nature.

Fall is the best time for hiking.

The leaves just start to show their colors.

It’s warm and if there’s no rain you will have a great path to walk on.

You may find some mushrooms.

I just was listening to another podcast about humane nature

and our development as a homo sapiens.

Apparently – thousands of years ago – when we were hunter/gatherers and

had a plant based diet – our brains worked better than now.

Maybe not better – but different.

You see we used to live in the woods and always had to be

alert and on the move, watching out for danger.

Look for food and staying together and caring for each other.

As a species we knew that we were stronger against big animals as a tribe.

And for survival we needed always to look for a food.

And to find a way to survive for a longer time without

food and this practice is still present.

Growing up in Russia – August and September was

the best time to go to the woods and pick up edible mushrooms.

We would dry them, marinate and pickle them for the winter months.

That was common practice.

But you see – when you are in the woods to find these

small mushrooms you really need to be present and look out for it.

It’s really hard if you don’t pay attention and don’t have patience.

You spend hours and hours walking in the woods.

First you can’t see anything, but when you start to really look for it

and finally you find one and you are so happy to see it.

It’s like you found a million dollars, and then you pick it up and it’s bad mushroom.

I remember asking my father – are you sure it’s not edible?

And only after a couple of hours you find and then what happens –

you start seeing them all over the place.

That’s means you are actually present and paying attention to what you see.

It was fun to do. I really miss it.

But after doing it year after year – I learned not only to be patient,

but also love for nature and what it has to offer – Solitude and Peace.

So I am looking forward to going for a hike this weekend if weather permits.

How often do you go to a park or to real woods?

Have you noticed any mushrooms or any kind of edible berries?


Mushrooms are really good for you and have many, many nutritional benefits.

All types of edible mushrooms contain varying degrees of protein and fiber –

the most important ingredient for your colon movements.

Mushrooms are a gut-friendly food. They are prebiotic, which means they

nourish the good bacteria in your gut. They’ve also been found to

balance the microbiome’s beneficial bacteria, such as Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium.

They also contain B vitamins as well as a powerful antioxidant called

selenium which helps to support the immune system and prevent

damage to cells and tissues.

These are only a few of the benefits to count on.

Also mushroom fiber works as a sponge. It will expand if you add water to it,

so make sure when you eat mushrooms – drink a lot

of water and spend some time to masticate them.

So here is your homework for the weekend:

Go out in nature and see if you can find some mushrooms.

You may be surprised! Or disappointed!

But you will learn something.

That is always a good thing.

Thank you for reading.