
Do you know that when you help someone and they feel

better and happy your mood is up and it’s all worth it?

This morning I got a great text.

A couple of days ago I had a client.

He was suffering with congestion. Seasonal allergies.

Of course he takes medications, but it does not help much.

He could not breath.

And of course I have a solution –

I offered him peppermint oil to apply to his nostrils and temples.

And in a couple of seconds he starts breathing better.

And he texted me today:

The aroma therapy really helped my allergies. Thanks!

You know – sometimes all you need is a simple natural solution

which has worked for hundreds and hundreds of years.

Do you know that Peppermint Oil is the most versatile oil?

It has been used in ancient Japan and China.

Not only is peppermint oil one of the oldest European

herbs used for medicinal purposes, other historical accounts

date its use to ancient Japanese and Chinese folk medicine.

It’s also mentioned in Greek mythology when the nymph Mentha (or Minthe)

was transformed into a sweet-smelling herb by Pluto,

who had fallen in love with her and wanted

people to appreciate her for years to come.

So romantic – but we do appreciate the nymph Mentha.

In my practice I recommend peppermint Oil for its anti-nausea

benefits and soothing effects on the gastric lining and colon –

as a number one natural remedy.

I love the cooling effect and it helps me to

relieve sore muscles when I use topically.

In addition to this,

peppermint essential oil has antimicrobial properties,

witch is why it can be used to fight

infections an even freshen your breath.

Pretty impressive, right?

As a “colon specialist” I recommend to take internally in capsule

form peppermint oil (or a couple of drops in water –

if you don’t have capsules) –

it’s really effective at naturally treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Peppermint oil reduces spasms in the colon,

relaxes the muscles of your intestines,

and can help to reduce bloating and gas.

You can also apply 2-3 drops topically to your abdomen.

That will do the trick.


And here are 15 more reasons for you to consider to have in

your handbag peppermint oil handy for every occasion:

  • Relieve muscle and joint pain
  • Provide sinus care and other respiratory benefits
  • Provide seasonal allergy relief
  • Promote hair growth and reduce dandruff
  • Reduce itchiness
  • Repel bugs naturally
  • Reduce nausea
  • Improve skin condition
  • Alleviate headaches – I use regularly for this one.
  • Improve colic symptoms – you can use on infants.

Potential anti-cancer agent:

Although more research is needed in this area,

some lab studies indicate that peppermint

may be useful as an anticancer agent.

One such study found that the compound menthol

inhibits prostate cancer growth by inducing cell death

and regulating cellular processes.

I think if it won’t hurt – you can use it.


Now where to find the best oil you can get?

I personally have tried all kinds of brands, from Shop Rite to Marshalls.

And let me tell you – so far the best is from Young Living.

I have been using this company for over 15 years.

I’m a distributor for this company.

Even though I don’t really sell – it just makes sense to become one.

I get a great discount for the best oils and it does not cost me anything.

If you want to build your collection of oils – this one is the best.

Ask me how I can sign you or you can go yourself to their website and sign yourself up.

(But when I did it myself it was really confusing. I asked for help from a friend.)

Anyway – here is their website www.youngliving.com

and my referral number 14184872 – Elena Rusakova.

Here you have all the reasons in your arsenal to support and live a better quality life.