
Hi! How is it going?

This weekend I went to pick up some vegetables at the local farmer stand, and there was a variety of potatoes.

I love potatoes.

Even though I try to eat them only occasionally – but nothing is better than fresh potatoes.

But these potatoes did not look like they were just out of the ground. I was skeptical.

And of course I had to ask where they come from – the answer was – from around the corner.

I did not cook them yet – will see how fresh they are. I will let you know.

In my backyard I grow some vegetables and flowers.

And one of my plants is Aloe Vera.

But it grows so slow. I don’t know how to help it.

Maybe my soil is too rich.

Every household in Russia has this plant in the window.

We use it for everything – from healing little cuts and bruises to stomach issues.

Recently I had a conversation with my client and we where talking about Aloe.

She takes that supplement every day.

I asked her – is it organic?

She did not know anything about it – where it comes from?, which company produces it?, what is in it? etc.

Do you know that Aloe Vera is produced in Mexico and Texas mostly.

Here is the bad news about it – even though Aloe Vera is very simple to grow – but it is produced by hand and it’s not cheap.

So many companies use a very small amount of Aloe Vera in their supplements or none of it.

There is big lawsuit going on right now FYI:
The four gels that Bloomberg had analyzed were Wal-Mart’s Equate Aloe After Sun Gel with pure aloe vera; Target’s Up & Up Aloe Vera Gel with pure aloe vera; CVS Aftersun Aloe Vera Moisturizing Gel; and Walgreens Alcohol Free Aloe Vera Body Gel. The lab that did the testing requested anonymity to preserve its business relationships.

The tests used a technique called nuclear magnetic resonance. It found additives such as maltodextrin and other ingredients, like triethanolamine, an emulsifier. In all the samples, lactic acid, a component that indicates degraded aloe vera, was absent.

And it’s just the beginning of opening a “Pandora’s Box”.

It’s going to blow up – because supplement companies also are not responsible for what they claim on the label.

So – what I want you to know – you spend your dollar on something that you are looking to benefit from in one way or the other.

Know your sources.

Read and look up the producer.

This is why I always ask where does it come from?

What is in it?

I am paying for it – I want to know where my money goes.

Aloe vera is really beneficial for your digestive tract and colon.

I get it from my favorite producer – Health Ranger store.

And today I got a newsletter – they have a sale.

If you are looking to improve your health, or your skin – this is the only reliable source I use for Aloe Vera.

Quality is superb. And it’s guaranteed.

Look it up and order it.

Sale will be only for one more day.

Have a good day and if you go shopping today – read or ask:

Where does it come from? What are the ingredients?

You are the consumer. You have right to know!