
If I told you that I don’t eat pasta – that would be a lie!

I love pasta.

I did not have that love for it until I came here to the US.

I never expected that pasta is the “evil” of all diets.

First thing I pay attention to the pasta fad was when my friend went to Italy.

When she came back I asked her – “how was Italy?”

I was expecting “ooooh” and “aaaaah” about museums and shopping – but

all she was going on and on about was the pasta.

Pasta, Pasta, Pasta!

I was thinking – what is so special about Italian Pasta?

So the next time I went to a fancy Italian restaurant – instead of ordering fish

which was my usual indulgence – I ordered the most expensive pasta on the menu.

And let me tell you – I found new and endless love for pasta.

My goodness. Who knew that pasta could be so good.

And yes, it’s so addictive and not that beneficial for my body,

but occasionally I do eat pasta.

But I also found a great substitute for pasta.

Spaghetti Squash Pasta.

It’s almost like real pasta and it’s good for you.

And it looks like spaghetti and you can eat

as much as you want without guilt.

Here is for you my Saturday recipe to indulge in Pasta.

I know you will love it!

Get a medium spaghetti squash and cut it in half.

Put in on baking pan and add some water to the pan.

Also put some olive oil on the squash edges.

Bake it at 350* for about 45 min.

Let it cool a little so you can handle it.

Then take a fork and scramble the squash – and

you will see it form look alike spaghetti!

Put in a big bowl and add some grass-fed butter or olive oil.

Add some black or even better white pepper.

Sprinkle with slightly roasted pine nuts – they are really good for you

and give the nutty taste to the pasta, and then add some Parmesan cheese.

Salt to your liking!

Enjoy your Pasta dinner – the healthy way…

Let me know if you like it!!!