
Hello my dear Friend!

I have been absent for a week now.

Feels like a long time.

But this past week or so has been so agonizing and polarizing for me.

No wonder.

We all get sidetracked at times.

And now is the time to get back on track and live a healthy and happy life.

Isn’t it?

And at the end of the day – it is only you who can decide how you want to feel.

Only you can make any changes in your life…and making those changes will influence people around you!

Every word you say will affect you and other people.

I always warn you and all of my clients and my family – your words are powerful – think before you speak.

If you feel little bit upset and you need more love – one secret weapon I know
that helps me a lot in my life is: I try to help a stranger, or say hello to someone in the supermarket.

I give a compliment to a woman on her pocketbook or her dress!

It makes me feel good and the other person will smile.

It works.

And now is the season to get ready for winter.

The days are getting shorter and shorter.

And eventually it will get colder.

On weekend everybody goes apple picking.

I love apple picking.

Apples are so good for you!

I grew up eating only apples that what were growing in my parent’s garden.

Apples were “The Fruits.”

We would pick up every apple that fell from the trees and clean them,
cut out the damaged sides, and then we would sit together and slice them.

We would chat and laugh doing so.

It was the best mother and daughter time together.

Even now I try to go home in August except this year. And I missed it.

We used to dehydrate the apples, make apple sauce, make apple jam, make apple pies,
make apple juice and freeze fresh cut apples in a plastic bag,
so we would have fresh apples during the winter.

And you hear people say – one apple a day keeps the doctor away – or something like that.

Why are apples such a remedy?

As a colon expert I can tell you the 6 most important reasons to have an apple in your daily regimen:
· Apples are full of a fiber called pectin – a medium size apple offer about four grams of fiber.
This magic fiber will beat diarrhea and constipation. This fiber can pull water out of
your colon to keep things moving along when you’re backed up, or absorb excess water from your stool to slow down your bowels.

· Control Irritable Bowel Syndrome – you want to include at least two apples in your daily eating habits. High in fiber it will help you to control IBS symptoms.

· Detoxify your liver. Easiest thing to help to detoxify your liver is to eat apples – they are full of malic acid which helps the secretion of your liver.

· Prevent hemorrhoids. Fiber from apples prevents you from straining too much when going to the bathroom and thereby helps alleviate hemorrhoids.

· Control your weight. This is the most wanted benefit. Again – magic fiber – yes!!! When you eat food high in fiber you will feel satisfied for a longer period of time. This is when you can say more is better.

Alzheimer’s disease – you hear about lately more and more, and you know if you drink regularly apple juice you could keep this disease away. An apple-enhanced diet showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which helps your brain work better.

And these are only a couple of benefits you need to remember for now.

Apples have been around from Biblical times.

Remember that Eve seduced Adam by giving him an apple?

It’s will work wonders!

You just need to eat them and see what happens.

Maybe you will fall in love again and feel more loved.

How about that for a change?
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